A Story of Transformation  

Waking up every day running to the bathroom wasn’t fun.

“Suddenly” I was allergic to nature and 13 out of 13 foods when they decided to stop the testing. I was 27 wondering what was going on. Something changed. I was physically active and eating a “healthy” diet but didn’t  feel right. My energy and zest for life bottomed out as well as my desire to be alive. Even though most of my symptoms weren’t that bad, they were increasing and whatever this was, needed fixing, sooner rather than later!
Taking what I just learned, I made a hard left turn 
                                                       into the right direction.

With $200 I bought a juicer, a “cookbook” and going all in, I consumed carrot juice and brown rice for 3 weeks until I learned enough to move forward in the assigned 90 day extreme detox. Coincidentally, at the same time I got plugged into Tony Robbins who, unknowing to me, started my mind detox. On top of all this,  I met God, Who, behind the scenes, would move the heavens to use all things for good.

So many changes happened...
some great, some not so pleasant for the short term before getting on the other side. There were days that stretched me beyond what I thought exceeded my limits, including the negative and limiting programming that imprisoned me. However, like the miracle of compounding interest, there’s a similar miracle at work with compounding efforts over time.

…then my actions started to shift.

As I sat in the backroom of a very full, makeshift office in a health food store, I wasn’t sure what I got myself into. Ready with paper and pen, I wrote frantically as I stepped into a whole new world looking through a different lens. Discovering what wasn’t serving my body well explained why symptoms and feelings were popping up left and right, even if subtle and annoying.


Now boldly facing 60…

my plumbing is healthy & predictable, and I have no need for meds or drug stores. My mind and emotional disposition have converted to those of appreciation and gratitude through God’s faithfulness, alongside a healthy perspective with insight and wisdom to share.

Our thoughts, words, habits, food, faith, and environment all contribute to the life we currently have, ...and can have.

 However, our culture puts a strong emphasis on our health as only outer appearance and training our physical body.

While those things are positive and important, as Kingdom daughters, we understand that it’s also essential to be fit and healthy spiritually, bringing about the righteous life that God desires. With my own awakening  and wise shepherds along the way, I have put together a rich treasure box to turn to in those testing times when life seems to be conspiring against us. 

Disciplining my mind and the words that come out of my mouth allows me to design the life I desire while paying forward the 3 decades I crawled through valleys and up mountains. My passion is to inspire beloved daughters of the King like you who desire victory to live a life more aligned with the Father's heart but in a much shorter time, and with a "God Idea",  IamHisDaughter.com was born.

With all that's happened since... 

that day in the full, messy, back room of the health store, my quest of having a better "normal" cemented the foundation of a transforming life.  This experience has evolved into a biblically healthy and Kingdom lifestyle where I feel at home and empowered with purpose to serve God and His precious daughters.

 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, 
but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 
Isaiah 60:1-2


   I met Laurine in Dec 2014 and she has 
 been  one of the best influences for my 
health.  Like most Americans, I was on the 
road  to lifelong ailments, addicted to sugar, 
poor diet,  and way too many harmful 
chemicals.  No longer... thank you, Laurine! 
Rhonda R

Other transformations along the way...

You are an awesome leader Laurine. 
I hope you know that. 

Thank you for teaching me about 
essential oils.  

Angela C.

After heart surgery I needed to make healthy
 changes immediately but was clueless. 
Laurine took me by the hand and helped
 me make those changes pretty fast
 relieving a lot of stress.  She helped me
 clean out unhealthy food, personal care
 and household products.   I had 
no idea how much in my house was
 bad for me. We went shopping together
 getting healthier options, then Laurine
 gave me basic cooking lessons  as
 well as recommended natural supplements
 and essential oils for additional health support. 
I feel so much better,  have more energy
 and stamina plus now have confidence
 to make wiser decisions. I highly
 recommend Laurine if you need good,
 personalized health coaching.          
A Cranston

© Laurine Saba