As Christian women, it's common to feel like we haven't achieved all we've wanted 
and that we're falling short of God's potential for our lives. However, it's important to remember that God has a unique plan and purpose for each of us, and it's never too late to fulfill it.

Imagine an Inner Beautification that Overflows on the Outside
Allow God to purify you like gold, heal your heart and renew you to wholeness.  The result 
will be a radiant change from within that shines outwardly as you walk with God in your calling. As you journey forward beloved sister, we will be here to help straighten your crown.
Are you ready to break free from Negative Thinking?

 Do you feel like there's got to be more?  

Negative thinking, low self-esteem and feeling  less than can be a huge burden to carry weighing you down with beliefs of your potential and shameful ideas how God sees you.

 This challenge is designed to help you start to see the world, your world, in a more positive light.
  •  Learn how to identify and manage the negative thoughts that can hold you back from becoming the woman of God He wants you to be
  • Break through limiting beliefs
  • Achieve your goals and dreams - or get back the ability to dream again
  • Discover how to believe God's promises are for you
  • Learn how to start believing that you ARE more than an overcomer and begin a healthier relationship with yourself.

Not only will you learn how to identify and overcome negative thinking, but you'll also benefit from the support and encouragement of other faith-filled women who also want to rise and shine like you.

Face your giants in 5 days of actionable activities and exercises to help you overcome your negative thinking patterns. Imagine what your life could look like if you could realign your thinking with God's thoughts for you. 

You’ll be surrounded by other Christian women desiring the same victory of freedom from negative thinking so you’ll be able to encourage one another as you make progress.  Join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth.  At the end of the challenge, you’ll come away with a completely new outlook on life, one that is full of hope, love, and joy changing the trajectory of your future.
Join "Freedom from Negative Thinking"
The FREE challenge to take action toward becoming the woman God wants 

For physical training is of some value,  but godliness (spiritual training) has value for all things, 
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.   1 Timothy 4:8

certified 100X kingdom entrepreneur mentor
Hi, I'm Laurine, 

and I know that transforming your life inside, outside, or both, can seem too hard and perhaps even impossible, especially when you don’t know how or where to start. How? Because I’ve been exactly where you are today. 

Three decades ago I fell in love with all things healthy.
My passions overflow for natural and spiritual health, nourishing food and people, who and what I surround my life with, intentional thoughts and words spoken, challenging emotional responses, and removing what doesn’t serve my best life well.  I’ve adopted the concept that I am a Gatekeeper and  intentionally choose what creates a better normal in my own life.
Since 1991 I've sat at the feet of the greats,  hungry and dedicated  learning about… 
  • Natural health
  • Culinary Arts
  • Mindset and Personal growth
  • The Bible
  • Better communication with secret insight
  • How to conquer limiting beliefs, hindering habits and negative thoughts that built a huge treasure box of how-tos and Biblical strategies!
What took me three decades to learn and implement can impact the quality of your life, only in a much shorter time.  And as you change, your life will change too. 
For me, now enjoying my own better normal, I absolutely love my role as the King’s daughter, Wisdom seeker, wellness geek, a Kingdom entrepreneur and mentor, educator, networker, hostess with the mostess who plays well with food,  being  an overcomer, and a lover of furry four-legged friends.
My passion is helping straighten my spiritual sister’s crowns as you rise, shine brighter, stepping into God’s glory that is upon you.
If you’re ready to upgrade your Godliness uncovering immense advantages of living a Kingdom daughter's lifestyle, I’m here to guide you on your journey. You’re going to be in awe of not only the benefits for this life, but the life to come. 

My calling  is to share all the things God has used for my good 
because we beloved daughters of the King are called to His purpose.

If this is speaking to your heart, we should connect.  

    Laurine Saba, CNHP