I was like you...
I felt heavy, sad, disconnected, and alone on the inside and hated that my thoughts could dictate who I was and how I felt... stuck in this dark, burdensome place that I couldn't escape. I didn't like how it made me feel or look in the mirror. I would feel like I wasn't good enough, I didn't matter. In my darkest hours I cried in depression and hopelessness. My confidence was crushed. I had no ambition to fight or even believe. There was dread when I woke up and I felt like I was at a dead end. While I could put on a smile and be happy at times, these overwhelming thoughts haunted me making me not like myself or feel very good about who I was. They were holding me back. I felt powerless.
Knowing God promises wonderful things... they seemed like they were for everyone one else but me.
How I was, I knew it kept me from becoming the woman God wanted me to be. I didn’t want to disappoint God too. I desired so much more but didn't know how to break out of the prison I was in.
Wanting better for myself and for my life, tired of it all I had enough, got mad enough, and fought my way out! For the last 12 years I learned biblical truths, how to believe them for ME, and worked diligently, seeking God, discovering tools, strategies, figuring things out, spent thousands and thousands on counseling, gurus, and powerful shepherds along the way. Some things helped more than others.
Now I believe the beautiful promises God has for ME and see them happening all the time! My countenance is brighter, lighter and my zest for life is like never before, I am optimistic and positive, have hope, dream again, pursue greatness and, as promised, goodness and mercy follow me!
My sister, I see you and so does our heavenly Father.
YOU are a child of The Most High God and He has sooooo much more for you! I want to help you get to the other side --but in a much shorter time than it took me. It is greener here. It has beautiful flowers, lovely scents, so much more laughter, enjoyment, gratitude and hope. God says that He knows the thoughts He thinks towards you, thoughts of peace, well being, for good... to give you a future and a hope or as the KJV says …to give you an expected end. Jer 29:11 What’s the end you expect? Does it align with the Father’s heart? It is my heart’s passion to help my sisters, other daughters of The King to rise, shine, and help you see that your light has come.
I want you to KNOW and BELIEVE that the glory of the Lord is upon you!
Sister, I invite you to join me FREE each day Mon-Fri where we'll meet online.
You’ll learn biblical truths and strategies from my own experience that set me free and can you as well!
I’m going to challenge you to face some giants but
I’ll be there handing you the stones.
Click the link right now to register for the
FREEDOM from Negative Thoughts Challenge for empty-nest Christian women
Together, let’s break the chains that suppress the greatness inside you ready to break free!
Let’s take you from wilted to watered by the Holy Spirit as you begin to uncover your expected end.