You've taken the first step  towards transforming your health and home.                        
 I'm here to guide you the rest of the way. 
With over 30 years of experience in holistic health and a passion for natural living,   
 I've helped countless families just like yours go from clueless to knowhow!  It's easier than you think.

It's your turn to feel empowered to make the healthiest choices for you and your family.

So... what exactly are the risks associated with conventional products, 
and how can essential oils and non-toxic products make a difference? 

Watch the video below that lays it all out- why change is not just beneficial, but essential for your  health.
Unveiling the Truth:   How Your Trusted Brands Have Betrayed You

Watch this 3 minute eye-opening video!

 Download my Free Guide

Get My FREE Guide!
Have you ever stopped to think about what's really in the products you use every day?
Most people don’t. And why would they? We've been conditioned by glossy ads, longstanding habits, and trusted brands to believe we're making healthy choices. But what if I told you that many of the soaps, candles, and cleaners you use are as harmful to your health as smoking a cigarette?

Wait, what??!!

This revelation can be shocking. You might even feel betrayed by the brands you've trusted for years. I know I did. The truth is, the word "toxic" barely scratches the surface of what these products can do to our bodies and our homes.
Why I Advocate for Essential Oils
My eyes were opened 33 years ago to the unsettling truths about everyday toxins, prompting me to completely overhaul my lifestyle and part ways with products I once cherished.  It was more than just a pivotal change—it was a transformation, and ultimately inspired me to become a Certified Natural Health Professional. I've unwaveringly served as the gatekeeper of my health, life and environment.

Another huge shift happened 20 years ago when discovering essential oils which felt like beginning an entirely new chapter. I was not only captivated by their fresh, amazing aromas but deeply moved by their potent, long-lasting effects. Just breathing them in makes a difference you can feel right away. It’s like flipping a switch inside you—quiet but powerful.

Fascinated, I began studying their properties and benefits, experiencing firsthand how effectively they support my health. This profound insight has led me to exclusively trust Young Living, whose commitment to purity and integrity aligns with my own standards for health and wellness.

Over the past 20 years, I've personally experienced remarkable improvements in my overall well-being and mental clarity, all directly linked to their use—changes that have truly been transformative. 

These treasured essential oils have become more than just a part of my daily routine; they  are my companions that I simply do not want to live without.

Experiencing the Impact Together
But don't just take my word for it. The thousands I've taught have shared their own surprising discoveries after trying essential oils saying things like:
  • How relaxed they feel shortly after using them
  • The calming effect in stressful situations
  • Quick relief in whatever body part was hurting
  • A general feeling of wellness that sneaks up on them
  • Fewer sick days at work and school
  • Improved focus at work or on homework
  • A mental boost and uplifting feeling
  • Relief for skin annoyances
  • Quicker healing of minor injuries
And so many times in my previous office I would hear,  “it feels so good in here” 
With so many benefits, it's clear why essential oils have become a key part of so many lives. Yet, taking that first step to integrate them into your daily routine can sometimes feel daunting.
The First Step Can Be the Hardest
I understand that this information can be overwhelming—it’s a lot to take in, especially if you're hearing it for the first time. You don’t know what you don't know, right? That’s exactly where I come in.

I’m here not just to educate but to support you as you make these eye-opening discoveries. Whether it’s through one-on-one consultations or group sessions, I’m dedicated to helping you make informed choices best for you that lead to real change.

Discover the Power of Essential Oils for Yourself
Curious to see how essential oils can transform your health and well-being? I invite you to learn from an on demand Essential Oils 101 class where I'll guide you through the basics and amazing benefits of essential oils. It’s a great first step towards understanding how these natural solutions can fit into your life. Click the button below for instant access

Uses Of Essential Oils
Essential Oils can be used in many ways, 
if done correctly*, including:

  • Inspire a positive emotional state
  • Enhance your physical wellness
  • Enhance your spiritual experience
  • Purify your home 
  • On babies & pets safely and effectively
  • In the office, car, garden, laundry, dishwasher, bathroom...  
        ...and so much more!
      I offer individual & group, online or in-person 
    learning sessions, sampling, workshops & events. 

...but not all essential oils are created equal  

This is what sets the one and only premium essential oils apart 


 At the lavender farm in Mona, Utah

    Laurine Saba, CNHP